January 31, 2025 By Carol Britton Meyer
Twelve elected town officials have terms expiring in 2025, representing nine different boards/committees/commissions and the role of town moderator. Nomination papers for the May 3 town election are available in the town clerk’s office.
“We’ve seen much interest in the May 3 town election in the past two weeks,” Town Clerk Carol Falvey said.
As of Thursday, Jan. 30, the following 11 citizens have pulled nomination papers:
- Town Moderator (1-year term): Michael J. Puzo (candidate for re-election)
- Recreation Commission (5-year term): Adrienne Ramsey (candidate for re-election)
- Select Board (3-year term): Julie Moran Strehle
- School Committee (3-year term): Alyson Baron Anderson, Matthew J. Cosman, and Nancy (Nes) Correnti, all candidates for re-election, and John C. Mooney
- Planning Board (5-year term): Crystal G. Kelly, Thomas F. Patch
- Municipal Light Board (3-year term): Michael D. Reive (candidate for re-election)
- Housing Authority (5-year term): Timothy Patrick Sullivan
The following officials have terms expiring in 2025:
- Town Moderator (1-year term): Michael J. Puzo
- Select Board (3-year term): Joseph Fisher
- Board of Assessors (3-year term): Christine Roberts
- Board of Health (3-year term): Rosemary Byrne
- Municipal Light Board (3-year term): Michael D. Reive
- Housing Authority (5-year term): Megan Buhr
- School Committee (3 seats) (3-year term): Alison Baron Anderson, Nancy (Nes) Correnti, Matthew J. Cosman
- Planning Board (5-year term): Rita DaSilva
- Sewer Commission (3-year term): Kirk Shilts
- Recreation Commission (5-year term): Adrienne Ramsey
Candidates for local office must be at least 18 years of age and be a registered voter in the Town of Hingham. Each candidate is expected to file with the town clerk, prior to obtaining blank nomination papers, a statement containing the individual’s name, address, and the town office for which the individual intends to be a candidate.
Candidates must obtain the signatures of at least 50 registered voters in the Town of Hingham on their nomination papers. However, it is recommended that candidates obtain 75 signatures. Completed nomination papers are due back in the town clerk’s office by Thursday, March 13, at 5 p.m.
Town Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 28, and if necessary, Tuesday, April 29.
Citizens who are interested in running for office are asked to call the town clerk’s office at (781) 741-1410 to schedule an appointment to pick up nomination papers. The filing deadline is March 17.
Annual street listing census
The annual street listing census will be arriving in residents’ mailboxes in the next few days to review, update, sign, and return to the town clerk within 10 days. The forms may be dropped off in the town clerk ballot/census drop box located in front of Town Hall or returned by mail.
Residents are encouraged to read the instructions on the back or call the town clerk’s office with questions about the form.
“If a voter in a household has moved, we ask that this information be noted on the form, along with their new address/contact information,” Falvey said.
In order to remove a voter from a household, the voter’s signature is required.
Failure to respond to the census for two consecutive years will result in removal from the active voter list and may result in removal as a registered voter, according to Falvey.