Monday, November 2, 2020 - Submitted by Wompatuck Warriors Mountain Bike Team (photos courtesy of Wompatuck Warriors)
The Wompatuck Warriors is a local mountain bike team that competes in the New England High School Cycling Association (NEHSCA). Consisting of roughly 50 athletes ranging from 5th through 12th grade, the Warriors train in Wompatuck State Park for a series of races all over New England. While this past season was modified due to COVID precautions, competition remained fierce and our local team thrived in just its fourth season.
The Warriors assemble riders from all over the South Shore with Hingham and Duxbury contributing the highest numbers. Wompatuck provides an ideal environment for training with many miles of trails and a verity of terrain to challenge all skill levels. The team practices three times per week with most racers putting in an additional two or three days of training to perform their best.
NEHSCA races are generally held in the Spring but were pushed back to the Fall this season to provide additional time to implement safety precautions. The Warriors finished 5th out of 23 teams in New England making this one of team’s most successful season.
For more information about The Wompatuck Warriors, you can check out their website - https://wompatuckwarriors.weebly.com