May 3, 2020
Aquarion Water Company today announced the start of their annual, twice-weekly, sprinkler irrigation restriction schedule. The restrictions apply to all Hingham, Hull and North Cohasset customers, in accordance with the Company’s Rules and Regulations.
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) regulates and closely monitors the quantity of water that water systems withdraw from the environment. Despite significant precipitation over the past six months, the amount of water Aquarion is authorized to withdraw from the environment remains unchanged. Please limit your in-ground and above-ground sprinkler irrigation to a maximum of twice weekly according to the schedule on the chart provided. Customers are also reminded that hand-held watering is allowed at any time.
Households with an even number street address may irrigate on Sunday and Wednesday from 12:01 AM to 10 AM or 6PM to Midnight. Those who have an odd number street address may irrigate on Saturday and Tuesday during those same hours.
To learn more about Aquarion’s Water Conservation Program visit Aquarion’s FAQ section that can be found on its website or by clicking here: http://www.aquarion.com/MA/faq-irrigation
Landscaping can thrive with twice-weekly watering. According to studies conducted by the University of Connecticut, plants and lawn’s in the northeast can live on twice-weekly watering, or even less. For more information and tips from UCONN on maintaining healthy lawns and gardens with less watering, visit: http://aquarion.com/MA/irrigation#uconn.
“The demand for water typically increases as the weather gets warmer due to our customers use of irrigation systems. Like many communities in Massachusetts, we implement these types of conservation measures in the early spring to ensure the prudent use of this precious resource and the long-term health of the Weir River Basin which is authorized and regulated by the MassDEP to protect the environment,” said Steve Olson, Massachusetts Director of Operations at Aquarion Water Company.
This mandatory schedule will continue through October 15, 2020. As a reminder, the twice-weekly schedule is as follows:
Through conservation and community programs, Aquarion continues to offer residents opportunities to learn about the community’s water resources, its use, and the need to conserve. Proper cultural practices are a critical component of efficiently using water in the landscape, reducing waste, and maximizing the health of landscape plants, according to the UConn College of Agricultural Health and Natural Resources.
Aquarion thanks its customers for following the twice-weekly irrigation schedule, and for helping to ensure a reliable supply of water for critical needs such as human consumption and fire protection.