School committee supports bus fee and increases to student parking and athletic fees

Photo by Austin Pacheco on unsplash

February 4, 2025 By Carol Britton Meyer

As a follow-up to an earlier discussion, the school committee voted last night to approve the administration’s proposed transportation (bus) fee and also increases to high school student parking and athletic fees.

School Committee Chair Nes Correnti explained that while the committee voted in support of these fees, “it is still up for discussion, as we still need to hold our public hearing and vote on the entire budget (Feb. 10),” which she encouraged citizens to attend.

Also, Correnti noted, the school committee could change the fee structure before finalizing the budget.

According to last night’s votes, if approved in the final fiscal 2026 school budget proposal, athletic fees would increase from $425 to $450 for the first sport (and from $600 for hockey to $750) and from no fee to an additional $200 for the second sport and $0 for the third sport.

The family cap would increase from the current $1,100 to $1,400 for fiscal 2026 and from a $1,300 family cap (for hockey) to $1,700.

The proposed estimated $54,000 increase in revenue would offset a portion of the contractual increases for coaches, ice time, and other fees.

The committee also supported the implementation of a $250 per student transportation (bus) fee for grades 7-12 — with a $500 family cap — for a net increase in revenue of $242,800.

In addition, the committee supported increasing high school parking fees from $80 for the close lot to $225 a year and $20 to park in the far lot from $20 to $125 annually, at a projected net revenue increase of $41,065 for painting, snow removal, and other related costs. Currently 282 students park in the far lot and 79 in the close lot.

The following school budget-related meetings are scheduled:

  • Feb. 4, 6:30 p.m., joint school committee, select board, and advisory committee meeting to consider the most up-to-date school budget presentation;
  • Feb. 10, 6:30 p.m. public school committee hearing, vote on budget;
  • Feb. 13, 6:30 p.m., budget presentation to advisory committee;
  • Feb. 25, 7 p.m. joint session with school committee, select board, advisory committee, and capital outlay to hear capital recommendations.

Check the town website calendar for details.

Town Meeting has the final say on both the town and school budgets.

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