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Fireworks Postponed Until 2020: Volunteers Sought to Continue the Tradition
The Hingham Lions Club has decided to postpone, albeit reluctantly, its next July 4th Community celebration -- which includes spectacular fireworks over Hingham Harbor -- until 2020. The Club issued the following press release -- including providing a copy to town officials and departments that play a key role in the event -- explaining the reasons behind that decision.
"It is important to note that the Club’s finances are in good shape and the postponement is based simply on the inability to sustain the Celebration without significant help beyond the Lions’ membership," Lions Club President Mark Casale told the Hingham Anchor.
"We've been putting on the fireworks for 25 years [and have been happy to do it], but we can't continue this tradition without broader community support to make it sustainable," Casale said.
The good news is that the traditional July 4th Patriotic Pancake Breakfast on Hingham Centre Common before the parade -- hosted jointly by the Kiwanis and Lions clubs -- will happen again this year.
The Kiwanis Club started this tradition more than 40 years ago.
PRESS RELEASE: 2019 July 4th Community Celebration POSTPONED to 2020
The Lions are grateful to have hosted Hingham’s July 4th Community Celebration for 25 consecutive years. When we started, a generation ago, the membership was 40 strong; today, it has dwindled to a small, but hearty group of 9. Over the last several years we have searched for a sustainable path to keep the skies over Hingham Harbor bursting with color. There have been challenges along the way - rising costs, fewer volunteers and fund raising shortages. Nevertheless, each year we pushed forward successfully.
Rather than host a diminished version, we reluctantly decided to postpone with the idea of re-grouping to help build a structure that will work in 2020 and for the next 100 years. In 2016 and each year since, we inquired with town officials and others seeking a solution that would assure that the Celebration continue in the future. One idea was to meld the Celebration Committee with the Parade Committee; however the option did not come to fruition.
The Lions very much want to help build a sustainable model that works beyond club membership. We want to partner directly with the town or another civic group or some combination that keeps Hingham’s July 4thextra special. After 25 years, we have gained some insight into the technical and logistical aspects of hosting Hingham’s largest event. It is most important to us that the Celebration remain a quality, fun experience for all ages.
The July 4th Community Celebration is privately funded, no taxpayer dollars are used to pay the bills. We are very grateful to Lions members; their dedication, passion and service are remarkable and treasured. In addition, each town department has been very supportive and essential to creating great summer-time memories. Of course without the provision of local businesses and families the shimmering colors would not have got off the ground. Thank you for supporting Hingham’s July 4thCommunity Celebration!
The Lions are seeking help and input to address the challenges of hosting the historic July 4th tradition. If you would like to help or be a volunteer going forward, please contact Mark Casale at markcasale@paintspecialists1.com.
Help the Lions HINGHAM, we have to #LIGHTUPTHESKY this has been a tradition in Hingham since I was 8 years old, since then many have been born to know the 4th in Hingham EVERY year! We have to make this happen! Hingham I am calling you out! You can dig in those pockets for Foster school and dig in those pockets for the Lions Club! #LIGHUPTHESKY
Why are there only 9 Lions in Hingham? This is very surprising. Clearly they need a membership drive! Let’s all consider joining the largest non-profit in the world. Their motto is “We Serve;” let’s respond, “We help serve.”
I am with you, lets get this moving we less than 2 months!! I will be collecting donations on the side of the road in crow point with my kids. Please anyone come join me!