OPINION: Pool Letter

Renderings by architect Chris Rotti

April 14, 2022 Submitted by Kathleen Foley Curley

Dear Hingham Citizens,

I am writing today in support of the proposed South Shore Country Club pool initiative.  Our beautiful seaside community offers many aquatic recreational opportunities including boating, swimming, fishing, rowing, waterskiing etc. All of these great outdoor activities have one thing in common: to fully participate and enjoy them, you must know how to swim.  Swimming is the underlying skill and gateway to all of these great water sports.

The South Shore Country Club pool will offer all the citizens of Hingham an opportunity to learn to swim and enjoy the ocean recreation that our town offers. The pool itself is a great place to enjoy the water, socialize with friends and neighbors and cool off after a round of golf. Other options for swimming instruction and enjoyment are more expensive at private clubs. The Hingham Bathing Beach is tidal and to take advantage of swimming instruction parents must plan all other family activities around the tide. These two options are not feasible for many Hingham families.

In the past the pool has also been an integral part of Hingham Recreation camps during the summer including the very well attended SNAP program. The pool has also hosted swim teams and Master Swim programs for adults and teens. With the proposed new gradual entry ramp/zero depth entry feature, the pool can also be more easily used by those with disabilities while supporting the increased use of the pool for rehabilitation programs. With these future uses in mind, it seems prudent to invest in making the pool bubble ready during the initial construction when the cost is lowest.

The relocation of the pool facility to the existing site of the tennis courts also makes sense. As an existing Permit Holder, and former CCMC Chair, I know the property well and understand that traffic flow and safety will be enhanced as the golfers and swimmers will no longer be intermingled. The tennis courts are in tough shape, and the most recent town-sponsored Field Assessment Study shows there are plenty of other courts around town to meet the demand. As we celebrate the Club’s 100th Anniversary join me in investing in this valuable asset with a Yes Vote at both Town Meeting and the Town Election.

A public town pool is a community resource that will provide great benefit to everyone and enable the broader use of our beautiful and unique location on the water.

Kathleen Foley Curley
1 Grist Mill Lane

1 thought on “OPINION: Pool Letter”

  1. All truly excellent points, which could be entirely accomplished with a seasonal only pool that isn’t as environmentally and financial wasteful. Hingham Net zero has commented on anchor another pool article indicating they do not endorse a year round pool that plans to run on natural gas.


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