Hingham Historical Society hosts a grand opening celebration and ribbon cutting at the Benjamin Lincoln House Museum.

All photos Robin Chan Photography

May 17, 2024 By Deirdre Anderson

Over 225 supporters gathered under the tent at the Benjamin Lincoln House this past Saturday to officially open and celebrate Massachusetts’ newest house museum – just in time for the 250th commemoration of the American Revolution and in 2026, America’s 250th birthday. Guests heard from representatives of the Hingham Historical Society, the town of Hingham, Historic New England and Revolution 250. Jane Carr received the Society’s inaugural award in preservation philanthropy and all in attendance were able to publicly thank the Lincoln descendants for stewarding this National Historic Landmark into the 21st century. Following the celebration under the tent, guests enjoyed a seated dinner at the Hingham Heritage Museum. The Society expresses its sincere thanks to all who support the Campaign for the Benjamin Lincoln House and invites those who have not yet contributed, to be a part of this important milestone in Hingham and American history by donating at hinghamhistorical.org


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