The Hingham ‘Cast is a hyper local, weekly podcast about the people who live, work and lay down roots here. There’s no question, 2020 was a challenging year for us all. In a pandemic we lost loved ones, jobs, there’s been a racial reckoning and politics has been uglier and more divisive than ever. As we hunker down for what could be a long winter, the Hingham ‘Cast can help us get to know our neighbors better--to hear different points of view, to empathize, laugh, challenge, inspire, innovate, learn and grow--together. Through intimate conversations, we’ll explore everything from how we are caring and coping in COVID to how we spend our tax dollars; from the struggles of small businesses and chefs to remote learning and child mental health. How can we reimagine our streetscapes and public spaces to be more engaging? How do we care for our environment? Who is creating? Who’s making us laugh? What are we doing to be a community for all? Where are we falling short? How are we taking care of ourselves? What are we cooking, drinking, eating, bingeing? How do we make a difference? We want to amplify many voices and hope yours is one of them. Let’s talk! www.TheHinghamCast.com

Ally Donnelly is an award-winning broadcast journalist. She spent nearly 20 years at NECN and NBC Boston holding the powerful accountable and amplifying the voices of the abused, neglected and marginalized. Her work has been recognized with multiple Edward R. Murrow, Emmy, Associated Press and Gabriel Awards. Ally and her husband Patrick moved to Hingham in 2005. They are busy raising their two beautiful daughters Izzie (12) and Lucy (9) and apologizing for their wacky dog Sugar. She misses leisurely breakfasts at crowded diners, travel, the movies, hugging, packed cocktail parties (that she probably dreaded going to in the first place) and double dipping.